Databricks Interview Questions

  • Interview Preparation
  • Published on 04/04/2024

Databricks Interview Questions

If you're preparing for a Databricks interview, you're likely to face a spectrum of questions that test your knowledge of data engineering, data science, and Apache Spark, among other topics.

The questions could range from basic, such as understanding what Databricks is, to advanced, like in-depth Spark optimization techniques or Databricks' integration with various cloud services. Here’s how to prepare for an interview at each level and examples of questions you might encounter.

Basic Level Questions

At the basic level, questions often focus on general understanding and fundamental concepts.

Preparation Tips:

  • Familiarize yourself with the core functionalities of Databricks.
  • Understand the basic concepts of Big Data and Spark.
  • Learn about the Databricks platform and its integrations with cloud services.

Example Questions:

Define Databricks.

  • This question assesses your understanding of what Databricks is and its primary use cases.

Can Databricks be used along with Azure Notebooks?

  • This tests your knowledge on integration capabilities of Databricks.

What are the various types of clusters present in Azure Databricks?

  • The question checks your awareness regarding different computational clusters available.

What is caching?

  • This fundamental concept is central to performance improvements in any data processing framework.

Which programming languages can be used while working with Azure Databricks?

  • A simple question demanding knowledge of supported languages like Python, Scala, R, and SQL.

Intermediate Level Questions

At the intermediate level, questions typically start to probe your ability to work with the tool effectively.

Preparation Tips:

  • Gain practical experience in setting up and managing Databricks clusters.
  • Learn about performance tuning and data optimization in Spark.
  • Understand the interaction between Databricks and Apache Kafka, Azure Key Vault, and file systems.

Example Questions:

Would it be ok to clear the cache?

  • This addresses scenarios when clearing the cache may be necessary and its implications.

How to troubleshoot issues related to Azure Databricks?

  • Tests your problem-solving skills and familiarity with common issues and their resolutions.

What is autoscaling?

  • A question on both the concept and its implementation within the Databricks environment.

Should you remove unused Data Frames?

  • Challenges your knowledge in Spark memory management and optimizing the workspace.

What is a Databricks unit?

  • Probes your understanding of how Databricks measures computational resources.

Advanced Level Questions

Advanced questions will dig into your expertise, often requiring in-depth responses about complex scenarios.

Preparation Tips:

  • Acquaint yourself with the architecture of Databricks and its underlying components.
  • Understand advanced configurations, security implementations, and Databricks' best practices.
  • Learn about Databricks' role in building robust, scalable data pipelines and machine learning workflows.

Example Questions:

Is Azure Key Vault a viable alternative to Secret Scopes?

  • Here, in-depth knowledge of Databricks’ security features is expected.

Can Databricks be run on private cloud infrastructure?

  • Explores the flexibility and deployment options of Databricks.

Can you administer Databricks using PowerShell?

  • Probing into administrative and automation capabilities within the cloud.

What is the management plane in Azure Databricks?

  • Requires thorough understanding of Databricks’ architecture and component roles.

What is the difference between regular Databricks and Azure Databricks?

  • Tests your knowledge on the product offerings and how they differ between cloud providers.

Preparing for Your Databricks Interview:

To ensure you're prepared for a Databricks interview, follow these general guidelines:

  • Thoroughly review Databricks documentation and familiarize yourself with the latest product updates.
  • Build or contribute to projects where Databricks is a key component; practical experience speaks volumes.
  • Follow blogs, forums, and community discussions focusing on Databricks and Spark.
  • Practice explaining complex concepts in simple terms to showcase your depth of understanding.

Go through your responses for each of these questions and work on explaining the concepts clearly and concisely. And remember, good luck with your Databricks interview! So, don't stress too much and prepare well. Keep in mind the above tips and you are sure to ace your Databricks interview!

Additional Topics to Explore

  • In addition to studying the basic, intermediate, and advanced level questions related to Databricks, it is important to also broaden your knowledge on related topics such as data engineering, data science, and cloud computing.
  • Familiarize yourself with common programming languages used in data engineering and data science such as Python, Scala, R, and SQL.
  • Understand the fundamentals of big data technologies like Hadoop and Spark.
  • Learn about popular cloud services and their integration with Databricks, such as AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure.
  • Explore best practices for data optimization and performance tuning in Spark.
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest advancements and updates in the field of big data, cloud computing, and machine learning.
  • Participate in online communities or attend meetups to network with other professionals and gain insights on real-world applications of Databricks. By continuously expanding your knowledge and keeping up with industry trends, you can become a well-rounded and competitive candidate for any Databricks-related role. Good luck!


In conclusion, preparing for a Databricks interview requires understanding the basic concepts of Big Data and Spark, as well as gaining practical experience with the Databricks platform and its integrations with cloud services. It is important to be familiar with the various types of questions that may be asked at different levels and to practice explaining complex concepts in simple terms. By following these tips and continuously expanding your knowledge, you can confidently face any Databricks interview and demonstrate your expertise in this powerful data processing tool. So, keep learning, practicing, and exploring new topics to become a top candidate for a Databricks role! Best of luck! Happy coding! :) # Databricks interview preparation